Is it at all beyond your comprehension that there may indeed be people inside waiting to exit an elevator and that the six of you standing abreast and in depth three inches outside the doors may impede our egress?
You have lived within an urban society at least a substantial portion of your life to know that humans both enter AND exit elevators right?
And yet, nearly EVERY-FUCKING-DAY this same thing reoccurs.
I know in the scheme of things this is the smallest and pettiest of inconveniences, but why do you never ever learn?
Just like getting off the subway in NYC or Fili or trying to get offa train anywhere in the US.
Suburbanites are illiterate about a lot of things... getting on and off buses, using elevators (including checking which way it's going before getting on), keeping to the right when walking on sidewalks, parallel parking, etc.
we need an emily post for daily life shit.
If you are in front, just shout OMG somebody farted! They will back off.
Likewise, pedestrians never pay attention to drivers, even though many of them also drive.
Drivers never pay attention to pedestrians, even though many of them also walk places.
I think we live in a highly self-absorbed culture.
Attaturk, was that you? My friends and I conspire to do that every single day just to see if you'd ever blog about it.
Very much informative and really very much help
and no andy rooney.
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