If you concoct reasons to invade other countries; use the United Nations as a false front in a war you intended to start all along; ignore the opinions of your traditional international allies (calling them old, outdated and worst of all FRENCH); mismanage a war; dump half a trillion dollars down a rat-hole (or perhaps spider-hole is a better phrase); outright lose $9 billion while saying the other guys embezzlement of $9 billion justifies your war; want to bomb broadcasters in non-beligerant nations; depose a stable albeit bad dictatorship and put in its place a theocratic, unstable, government and launch a civil war...
If you oppose foolish military schemes launched for political reasons; actually wish to use and support the enforcement authority of the United Nations or NATO; decry the misuse of peoples lives and the waste of tax payer dollars; and wish to forge broad international coalitions before engaging in military engagements and occupations...
Fuck, I don't even think Orwell could keep up with this one anymore.
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