Sunday, February 05, 2006

Just a hairdo

You know Byron York is just not very bright. I know this isn't news to most of those who read this bloggy blog, but he just isn't. After all, he goes out of his way to attack Atrios for saying he doesn't care if a couple of American Cities get nuked, but then he puts up the entirety of Atrios's post that states just the opposite.

Certainly an Iran-with-nukes could blow the hell out of a city or two, but an Iran that did such a thing would pretty much cease to exist. It isn't mutually assured destruction, it's you f--k with us a little bit and YOU NO LONGER LIVE BITCHES!

To anyone who is not a slack-jawed mouth-breather, the statement says that if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon they are not in position to use those weapons as they would be wiped off the face of the earth within seconds. The comparative nuclear stockpiles of Iran to the extent it could ever obtain "the bomb" compared to the stockpiles of the United States or (truth be known Israel) is laughable. It's called MADD and it is still as relevant to nation-states using nuclear weapons as during the cold war.

Byron, you are supposed to take things out of context...and THEN not provide the context. Are you short on your Right-Wing Continuing Education (so to speak) Credits for 2005-6?

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