Saturday, February 04, 2006

So, Dick we're mighty glad you're feeling fine

Because we need you to enjoy those gray bars:

Tatel's opinion also includes previously unknown details about testimony by Libby and other officials. For example, Libby acknowledged to investigators that Cheney told him in mid-June 2003 about Plame's CIA role and said she helped send her husband on a mission to Niger to determine whether Iraq was seeking nuclear material from the African nation.

That was soon after a Washington Post article on Wilson's Niger trip appeared. Libby emphasized in his testimony that Cheney only said it "in an off sort of curiosity sort of fashion."

There is much more to this story in the post than what I've put up, Scooter is in big, big, big trouble and Fitzgerald is slowing pealing away the layers in this thing.

I'm going to predict there is far more to the story of Dick's involvement.

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