Thursday, February 16, 2006


People are going on and on and on about how shooting an old man in the face after downing a beer really affected Cheney. When in truth it affected him so much he went back to the "ranch" fixed himself a cocktail and ate a hearty dinner (though in fairness he did not eat Harry's dessert after finishing his own, rather, in a rare bit of gallantry he split it with his mistress).

Not surprisingly, and not alone I'm sure, I'm calling Bullshit.

For many people an experience of nearly killing someone would turn you off of a potentially dangerous sport like hunting with a shotgun. It would bring back painful memories and cause anxiety. It would at least be a long time before you would hunt again.

But it won't affect Dick Cheney in the least.

It may not get media coverage, but I bet Cheney is out hunting again before Spring is officially here.

Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he's out blasting entire flocks of quail while they are still in their cages at game farms this weekend.

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