Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You knew he couldn't resist

Ernest T. Bass, ESQ just couldn't help but "hey" & "indeed" his way through a bunch of white conservatives tellin' African Americans (i.e. Democrats) how to behave. Because you know why couldn't the service just be nice? Why did they have to bring up the ENTIRE POINT OF HER AND HER HUSBAND'S LIVES, STRUGGLES AND DREAMS?:

Apparently not. And this post by Eric Muller only serves to underline the very point it attempts to refute. The problem with today's Democrats is that they try to invest the naked hunger for power with the dignity of the civil rights movement, a dignity that they no longer possess because it was based on a self-discipline that they no longer possess.

I always forget that when it comes to the civil rights movement, InstaCracker is unimpeachable!

I wish there were more uses of "possess" in that section, don't you?

And let's not forget, dignity is Glenn Reynolds' middle name (after "T" of course):

Like Dear Leader, who lives in such a fucking bubble that he never hears anything but a hand-picked audience of people even more slavishly ideological than InstaWanker, all of these closeted bigots are also the biggest whiny assed titty-babies on earth.

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