Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So Karl?

How are your polls reading now?

There are a number of delightful results, from the demise of Rick Santorum, to the apparent demise of George Allen, Conrad Burns, Curt Weldon, Clay Shaw and J.D. Hayworth.

Minnesota is blue again, even a Muslim won (take THAT Powerloin) and Iowa...Jim Leach, longtime and "actual" GOP moderate finally loses a seat that should have been a solid Democratic one for more than a decade. That is a huge pickup...a seat the Democrats could hold for years. In fact, Iowa takes a real blue turn as we go from 4 of 5 House seats being Republican to 3 of 5 being held by the Democrats.

And I see, via the "magic touch" of the Chimperor Disgustus, that Jim Ryun, 'Olympic-Sized Douchebag' who was favored to hold on to his seat a few days ago, has lost by a rather substantial margin just AFTER Dear Leader plopped down to campaign for him.

In fact, in the places Bush went late in the campaign to visit where things were relatively close (Kansas, Montana, Missouri, Florida) it appears that virtually every candidate lost.

Damn, Karl, you are a genius!

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