Friday, August 10, 2007

The biggest fraud in the nation

The Iowa GOP has a scam within a scam that operates pretty sweetly for itself every four years. Granted, the whole "Iowa Caucus" system is a border-line scam, but there's no more prime example of it than the Iowa Straw Poll and when it comes to engaging in a scam, nobody can dole it out like Williard:

One candidate, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, has assembled an unrivaled operation for the event: a statewide corps of 60 "super-volunteers," who have been paid between $500 and $1,000 per month to talk him up; a fleet of buses; more than $2 million in television ads in Iowa; a sleek direct-mail campaign; and a consultant who has been paid nearly $200,000 to direct Romney's straw poll production, which will include barbecue billed as the best in the state.

The hilarious thing is that Romney's ads here in Iowa push the meme of his amazing fiscal restraint.

Romney's latest ad went up on Wednesday. "Washington politicians in both parties have proven they can't control spending, and they won't control our borders," he says in the ad, which flashes a toll-free number for free straw poll tickets.

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