Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa Caucus Loss Excuse-O-Meter™ (Updated)

Some of the excuses posted in last night's Iowa Caucus Loss Excuse-O-Meter post were great, so I added them in bold below. I'm sure they'll come in handy after the New Hampshire results come in next week anyway. So herewith, the Rising Hegemon Iowa Caucus Loss Excuse-O-Meter.™ Chose the excuse for your loss that best fits and then ... onward to New Hampshire!
  1. We wuz robbed."
  2. "My loss is really a win."
  3. "I lost, but everyone else sucks."
  4. "I lost, but Candidate X lost worse than me, so really, I won."
  5. "I am the Comeback Kid."
  6. "It ain't over 'til it's over."
  7. "The cold kept our people at home."
  8. "The media was against me."
  9. "The caucuses started too late/early, were too far away (and the parking sucked)."
  10. "'Grey's Anatomy' was on."
  11. "My opponent played dirty."
  12. "The Caucus System sucks."
  13. "This is nothing. 9/11 was way worse." (This one is candidate-specific, of course.)
  14. "Massive Democratic/Underwhelming Republican Turnout in a Red State."
  15. "What me worry?"
  16. "Iowa is not representative of the rest of the country anyway."
  17. "You talkin' to me?"
  18. "We're taking this campaign to the next most important state: the internet!"
  19. "We exceeded our/your/the media's expectations."
  20. And my new favorite, which I'm calling "The Scarlett O'Hara:" "Tomorrow is another day!"

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