Thursday, June 05, 2008

Aw, Dammit

This blog did not make the "Non-Misogyny List" at "Hillary's Voice".

But No Quarter did.

Because, Michelle Obama horseshit slander over non-existent events doesn't count because she's not a woman - she's black (did you know this?) - and anybody who hangs out at Stormfront can tell you black people [they seem reluctant to use that word] don't have the lady-parts. Perhaps they're charitable and are willing to express their idiocy in song?

you're a fifth,
three-fifths of a laaaaadaaaayyyyy,
how I loooooooaaaaathe youuuuuuuu...

I'm sure the Commodores would be proud.

Seriously, for some that's what is has come down to apparently.

As for this blog, I blame myself and all the K-Lo jokes.

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