Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Banned Words of 2009™

Because it's never too early to put the world on notice...
  1. Superdelegate
  2. Bitter
  3. Presumptuous
  4. Denounce/Renounce/Reject/Repudiate
  5. Surge
  6. PUMA
  7. Lunchpail voter
  8. Subprime
  9. Miley Cyrus
  10. Clinton, Davis (Lanny), Ickes, Wolfson
  11. Lieberman
  12. Vet/Vetted/Vetting
  13. POW (pansypoo from comments)
  14. Staycation (Anonymous from comments)
  15. Hockey Mom (Athenawise from comments)
Stay tuned. I'm sure there will be dozens more before this year's out.

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