Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who the hell does he think he is Eddie Cochrane?

McCain may take Palin to the United Nations. Why does she need to do that, back in the late 80s she went to a Benettons!

To Summertime Blues:

I'm a'gonna raise a fuss,
I'm a'gonna raise some dollars
I've been wankin' all summer

Just to try lie and slander
Well I went to Steve Schmidt

Said, 'I got a big date.

'Steve Schmidt said 'No dice, Gramps,
you gotta bloviate

Sometimes I wonder what I'm a'gonna do

But there ain't no cure 'cept sayin' I'm a P.O.W.

Well my mom and father told me

'Son you gotta join the Navy,

If you want to fly a jet
and crash it every other Sunday.'

Well I got back from the War
I told my first wife I wanted out
She said
'You and your heiress
'can go to Hell you fuckin' lout

Sometimes I wonder what I'm a'gonna do
But none of that matters, 'cuz I'm a P.O.W.!

In about two weeks This will be the situation
Gonna take this moron

To the United Nations

Well I went to the reporters

said: 'We'd like to help you Mac,
And we sure could use a hug.'

Sometimes I wonder what I'm a'gonna do

But none of that matters, 'cuz I'm a P.O.W.!

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