Oh the fun of the McCain campaign's final throes, if you will (and yes, we willed), is something to behold. Not only did Wasilla's first family of grifters strike the lower-forty-eights finest fashion stores. Not only did a Vice-Presidential nominee think the capital of the "country" of Africa was Africa City. No the alleged finest minds of Camp McCain loved to display their small wares:
[C]ampaign manager Rick Davis fired Randy Scheunemann after determining that he had been in direct contact with journalists spreading "disinformation" about campaign aides, including Nicolle Wallace and other officials.
"He was positioning himself with Palin at the expense of John McCain's campaign message," said one of the aides.
And who was he displaying too?
Who else but...
the advisers said they strongly believed that Mr. Scheunemann was disclosing, as one put it, "a constant stream of poison" to William Kristol, the editor of the conservative Weekly Standard and a columnist for The New York Times.
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]
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