Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Still operating in another world

In between cups of double-strong coffee I've veered in a caffeine-haze around the various cable news talking heads. It takes a victory like this for me to give FoxNews a chance to even burn up the obsolescent cathode ray tube of the Sony Trinitron in my home-office (they are forever banned from harming my Hitachi Plasma) but they are chastened and less insane this morning. Somebody must have given horse tranquilizers to the Doocy.

But Joe Scarborough on MSNBC is as wankerously deprived of brain-cell function as ever. His beady, coal-black eyes, and bizarre weasel-like face emitting bullying proclamations at his co-dependent Mika. Today's post ass-kicking rant is about how liberals are ungracious in victory -- unlike him -- the soul of all modesty and decorum, the very epitome of all conservatives.

Yeah, classy, like this?

The lawn at the Arizona Biltmore Resort and Spa never filled to capacity. A space that might have held 2,000 or more stood about one quarter empty. And many of those present took poorly to McCain's praise of Obama's achievement. They booed at times, and one loud man swore at the stage, evoking the excretions of various farm animals. The fireworks the campaign had purchased to celebrate victory never fired off.

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