Tuesday, August 25, 2009

But we can't have universal health care

These fools would have us spend hundreds of billions on preventing fictional attacks out of an Ed Wood movie:

In May, the Wonk Room’s Matt Duss noted that, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — citing a fictional novel — told the 2009 American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference that the threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse attack against the United States was why he was in “favor” of “taking out Iranian and North Korean missiles on their sites.” The next month, the New Republic’s Michael Crowley reported that the “scientifically valid,” but “not strategically realistic” scenario was being used by “a cadre of conservative hawks” to argue for “familiar hobbyhorses” like missile defense and preemptive military strikes. Now, Dave Weigel reports that former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is set to headline an upcoming conference on the threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse attack against the United States, titled “EMPACT America”

Hell, we cannot even have a public option in health care ... but we have attack North Korea from something that will not ever happen.

Yet, other than us dirty fucking hippies no one ever does the compare and contrast on these utterly banal fucks.

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