Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's so awesome

That CNN's chief political reporter hates politics so much that everything is just a cynical exercise and discussing things like war is just an excuse for her to talk about its more graphic form.

I think think it is one that — what he is arguing — is that it is one of perspective and [he] obviously believes that Massa’s been given too much attention where the war in Afghanistan is not. You know, we could argue one way or the other, but it is very clear that he –the Democrats in particular and certainly Congressman Kennedy in specific would like the Massa story to go away.


Montag said...

One has to wonder why discussing the continuation of a pointless and expensive war isn't worth the time of those in the media. The media could create a national discussion about it, or about the very powerful forces that, for entirely mercenary reasons, want such wars to continue and to become fixtures of American life, but, the media does not.

I guess the only thing that interests them about war is the crash-and-bang, shock-and-awe aspects of it, which simply makes them purveyors or war porn.

That says volumes about what we as a society are becoming, or, perhaps, have already become.

DanF said...

For most Americans war is now something that happens to other people and other people's families (just ask OnA). The last draft war ended two generations ago. So without the big explosions and fresh invasions, it's just another day for a job those people signed up for. And it's not like we're actually paying for the war through increased taxes, so there isn't even direct monetary pain.

pansypoo said...

no more volunteers only. reinstate the draft. OR make it LIKE war for everybody-a war tax at least,