Wednesday, August 04, 2010

HaHa Fail

You remember the "walk your dog against Allah" protest in California?

Turned out to be rather awesome:

In the end, the people trying to stop the construction of a mosque in Temecula, California were vastly outnumbered by the crowd welcoming the growth of the Muslim community in Riverside County.

Turns out the leader of the stupid didn't even show and only one leashed dog showed up with the owner saying she was protesting because...

"many Muslims believe that the saliva of dogs is impure."

Yes, as opposed to many Christians who think dog-drool is the most awesome thing ever and sell it under the brand name "Bud Light Lime".


Fearguth said...

I knew there was a reason I didn't like Bud Light Lime.

Morbo said...

Again with the McChrystal bashing...

pansypoo said...

just say no to bud.