Sunday, August 01, 2010

Meanwhile, an Afghani Wedding and scores of dead civilians hit by a Predator Drone undoubtedly went unmentioned



pansypoo said...

gerbilism. or gnewsalism. don't be a debbie downer. you know only famous people matter.

Anonymous said...

I don't often come to your blog because you seem to have a screaming disconnect from reality.

There is no such thing as a "liberal" "news" organization in the United States. It is pure propaganda that Izvestia and Pravda would have envied in their prime in the 1960s. Yes, I read them. I was studying Russian. I was a totally right wing Democrat that actually volunteered in the Vietnam War. I was a patriot.

There is not one single rag in the US that is not propaganda.

The Washington Post just sold that trash called Newsweek to a billionaire for $1, who is married to a representative in Congress.

Now drop the crap and, please, deal with reality.

This is not a representative democracy, it is an oligarchy. Not a good one like the Venetians had but a foul filthy piece of crap that is poisoning the world.