Saturday, August 21, 2010


Tomorrow is Sunday, which means it's time for another edition of the New York Times' odious "Styles" section, and, in turn, another fake trend story courtesy of the NYT's stable of lazy writers.

Let me tell you how this went down. The writer rode the subway and someone asked about his ebook reader. Then, he heard about two other people who were asked about their ebook readers on the train. Voila! An idea was hatched, a "story" was pitched, and another in a long line of New York Times Fake Trends was born!

Love the headline, too. Not "Ebooks Appear to Make Readers Less Isolated." Not "Ebooks Seem to Make Readers Less Isolated". Not "Some Anecdotal Evidence that Ebooks Make Readers Less Isolated." Just "Ebooks Make Readers Less Isolated".


Uncle Smokes said...

How about:

New Gadget Rouses Curiosity
Will Novelty Soon Wear Off?

Montag said...

Now, when it comes to being "less isolated," how the fuck is there a difference between paying attention to an ebook, or reading a goddamned dead-tree version of the same thing?

Now, yes, I admit that, at the moment, there might still be some residual novelty effect at work. People might be occasionally interrupted from their reading to be asked about that strange newfangled thang they've got in their hands, and that might prompt some small further amount of conversation with a stranger, but, certainly no significantly greater amount than being interrupted by a stranger to be asked what book one is reading.

The novelty's pretty much worn off already, so, for practical purposes, what the fuck's the difference?

Maybe this is something that is just now hitting the country clubs, and the rich have now noticed them, so, therefore, it's a big deal to the Times. said...

And what are the chances that these subway riders were actors hired by Amazon -- a sort of "guerilla PR" offshoot to their successful guerilla marketing campaigns/

Wouldn't surprise me one bit ...

pansypoo said...

i have yet to see one of these. but we have no subways.

JDM said...

"Pinch" Sulzberger blows. Bill Keller fucking sucks. Can't wait for the NYT to fold. Assholes to the nth.

pansypoo said...

report that in Milwaukee, so far no kindle seen. take that NYT.

Olives and Arrows said...


Reasonable people long ago realized that the NY Times was printing loads of false garbage, as well as committing some treasonous acts against the United States.

But natural market forces have a way of eliminating these kinds of headaches. The NY Times is swimming in a sea of red ink with heavy losses, a greatly reduced bond rating and an increasing debt burden.

The Old Gray Whore has lost alot of her power to persuade the masses and influence government policy. A huge financial hole the media group is unlikely to ever recover from has been created. Pinchy Sulzberger and family simply cannot keep feeding this pig.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Reasonable people long ago...O&A squawked.

What would you know about reasonable people?

You're a dimwit who believes whatever propaganda the wingnuts are repeating at any given moment.

Borderline and Narcissist said...

I resemble these remarks!

Anonymous said...

What's in the style section of the Register?

Are overalls too gay?

Farm wives and internet chat rooms, no longer so alone.

Hog confinement operations with style!

Anonymous said...

The Style section is just beyond silly. And moronic.
They even put that Snooki smurf creature on the cover a few weeks back. Oh those ace NYT reporters! Oh, how they blow!

pansypoo said...

deep in attaturk withdrawal. the shakes have begun....

CPinHI said...

Well, I guess that is a reason not to get an ebook reader. I read on the bus specifically so that the weirdos who frequent public transportation do not talk to me.