Your newest effort of Denny's to kill you:
Fried cheese melt,"made with four fried mozzarella sticks and melted American cheese grilled between two slices of sourdough bread. It is served with French fries and a side of marinara sauce." It and the other new items should be available starting Aug. 24.
After you eat it, they wait five minutes then strip your corpse.
Plus, it needs mayo.
Can I get that with bacon?
Perhaps if we wait long enough all of the teabaggers and rightwing whackaloons will just keel over from cardiac arrest.
michelle obama recently argued that fighting obesity needs to happen from the bottom up. bottom up? how can anybody honestly tackle the subject of obesity without acknowledging the damaging influence of government policy of supporting corn subsidies that has resulted in practically all processed foods being infected high fructose corn syrup. even bill clinton has admitted the correlation between hfcs and obesity.
And those smug TV ads by the Corn Refiners Association are so accurate and informative.
we can kiss that longevity goodbye.
we need sauces cause the actual food sucks.
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