If you want evidence of how the media has become the enemy of good, look no further than the "Dean of the Washington Press Corps" and his recommendations for what Obama should do:
With strong Republican support in Congress for challenging Iran's ambition to become a nuclear power, he can spend much of 2011 and 2012 orchestrating a showdown with the mullahs. This will help him politically because the opposition party will be urging him on. And as tensions rise and we accelerate preparations for war, the economy will improve.
Oh and he'll tell you, he's not saying Obama should go to war, he's just sayin'...
It's a disease and it's hard to see how we are not fucking doomed sometimes.
David Salzer Broder represents the future of the WaPoS. May it come to pass quickly. Tomorrow isn't soon enough.
So the solution to our economic dilemma is to plunge the nation even further into debt in order to build up armaments that we hope never to use against an 'enemy' who has never declared hostile intentions against the U.S. and harbors no known plans for boundary expansion?
Makes perfect sense!
because if obama finishes the job of killing the military, republiKKKan majority is guaranteed.
Broder cannot be so unbelievably stupid that he doesn't realize war with Iran will explode the price of oil and destroy almost every economy except Brazil.
Thus I must conclude he's a sociopathic monster.
Wow! If you liked the Vietnam War and the Iraq War, you'll LOVE the Iran War!
And would it be too much assume that someone with the name "BRODER" stitched to their chest will be actually fighting in this highly desirable new war?
Until that highly unlikely day, I think I'm going to just wait and see about whether to support this potentially marvellous new war or not.
Somebody really wants Armageddon to come before he keels over.
Amazing set of "instructions" for Obama to show "bipartisanship" with the group determined to make him a one term president/Mitch McConnell.
how much you be Obama makes all the "right" noises?
it should have said, "how much you want to bet Obama makes all the "right" moves."
no way!
thanks a lot for expressing. i had been seeking as well.
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