Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rude Pundit Johnson is right!

In a not so rare display of clarity, but a rare display of not all that many "fucks":

In other words, Republicans use extremist tactics and extremist rhetoric (for, truly, there's not a single thing passed in this Congress that even approaches "socialism"), and, if those fail, they lie outright. And in doing so, they make their mostly reasonable, way-too acquiescent opponents seem like despicable fuckbags who want America to become part Mexico/part Sharialand. That's an awesome con job: shutdown the functioning of part of the government through procedural chicanery that most people won't give a damn about (A hold? What the fuck is that? We don't have time for civics classes anymore) and blame the majority, which is easy to understand: "Oh, Democrats in power. Democrats must naturally suck."

The frustrating part is that, even if polls now show some tightening in races, it's worked. ...

You can't unfuck something that you've fucked. Republicans have paid almost no long-term price for the Caligula-like madness of the Bush administration. There's a chance that, now, two-years later, they're gonna get rewarded for refusing to participate in running the country. It's like setting free an arsonist after you've started to rebuild the house and telling him, "Oh, and here's those matches we took from you. Sorry for the inconvenience."


Anonymous said...

In Kansas this fall, it's straight R party line, nuts, gasbags and everyone running for legislature is praying for the anointment of the next governor to make Kansas a really conservative state. vox

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It's like setting free an arsonist after you've started to rebuild the house and telling him, "Oh, and here's those matches we took from you. Sorry for the inconvenience."

And why would they do that?

I'd suggest that the corporatists who rule the Democratic party would rather lose elections than lose control of the party to the populists.

pansypoo said...

money has infected the body politic. the 'liberal' media' is DEAD. the media is now the enemy of america.

idiotocracy here we come.

res ipsa loquitur said...

And we're making it possible. The whiplash-inducing fickleness of the American electorate is part and parcel of a people who are deluded with their sense of individual self-worth and entitlement.

Amen. And like the moron pundits say (only this time, it's true), "Both sides do it!"

jimmiraybob said...

The whiplash-inducing fickleness of the American electorate is part and parcel of a people who are deluded with their sense of individual self-worth and entitlement.

It's all Obama's fault for not getting enough change done in his first 48 hours as president.

And his anti-colonialist psychological detachment.

Sigh. [Reaches in drawer for bottle of whiskey and revolver.]

Anonymous said...

It says nothing good about either the Republicans or the voters......who are going to get the government they deserve.

I'll be dusting off my "Don't Blame Me,I Voted Democrat" sticker....