Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pretty Awesome to see

Chilean miner after miner brought to the surface. After the four healthiest have been hauled to the surface, they are now beginning to bring those in the toughest shape.

Naively, I hope this leads to some important reforms.

But probably not.


Montag said...

By that, do you mean that the United States would require survival pods in the mineshaft, such as Chile requires, that would keep Americans alive for 67-odd days?

Silly boy. This is `murrika. We're about profits, not lives. We have our priorities, y'know....

StonyPillow said...

Corporate mining message: We Care.

pansypoo said...

this is just happy for the gnews. unless these lucky 33 make it their mission to support their brothers.

Anonymous said...

could the ones who were sent first have been the most flatulent of the 33?

pansypoo said...

i bet the worst goes last.