Friday, June 03, 2011

Tender and caring

What the "luminaries" of the far right believe (I can't say "think" considering the source) via Iowa's shame Steve King:

Labor is a commodity just like corn or beans or oil or gold

Although I don't foresee Glenn Beck hawking things for Labor-Line.


Unknown said...

When the sun rises this morning in America, the citizens will be able to read about the conclusion to the Anthony Weiner saga. Turns out it was all just another in a never ending line of Republican DIRTY TRICKS.




Montag said...

Steve King is simply stating outright what business has believed for ages.

We saw that change made manifest when corps renamed their "personnel" departments "human resources."

When people are reduced to the status of a commodity--a resource to be obtained wherever it can be at the cheapest price--it shouldn't come as any surprise that some idiotic politician states the obvious from the corporate point of view.

Anonymous said...

I believe our Civil War was about this very issue: labor as a commodity, AKA slavery.

jimmiraybob said...

Comrade King is just channeling some of the great minds of the 19th century:

Karl Marx*: "Apologetic economists... say:... [the worker's] labour-power, then, represents his capital in commodity-form,...

Friedrich Engels**: "The concept of labour power as a commodity was first explicitly stated by Friedrich Engels in The Principles of Communism (1847)..."

*Capital Vol. 2

**The Principles of Communism (1847)

If labor is a commodity, then surely King believes in the worker's right to unite as any corporation does in order to maximize their earning potential.

Good going Comrade King, opening the conversation to include Marx and Engels.

jimmiraybob said...

Engels: "Labor is a commodity, like any other, and its price is therefore determined by exactly the same laws that apply to other commodities."

pansypoo said...

to republikkklans EVERYTHING is a commodity.

PPH Services said...

While sad, it's also kinda true..