Ironic that in the place most specifically addressed in the First Amendment (you know that whole "Congress shall make no law" thing) this will get you arrested:

Ed Henry, that's not a banner it's a T-Shirt and it says nothing offensive -- it says something true.
It was also something not worn (although modified) earlier in the day:
Thanks to Bradblog for the photos.
I'm not a fan of "everything" Sheehan has done -- but this arrest and detention is inexcusable, by the time Sheehan was in her seat she was known not to be a danger to anyone, except the embarrassing intrustion of reality into the fantasy land of Bush and the GOP.
What is more, if the Patriot is renewed in its current form it will have this provision within it:
A new provision tucked into the Patriot Act bill now before Congress would allow authorities to haul demonstrators at any "special event of national significance" away to jail on felony charges if they are caught breaching a security perimeter.
But I'm sure that now Justice Alito will protect us, right?
Glenn Greenwald has a beautiful post on this whole issue.
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