The latest CBS News poll found that only 18 percent of the public has a favorable view of Cheney. How bad is a rating of 18 percent? According to a quick review of polling archives, it arguably makes Cheney:
· Less popular than singer Michael Jackson , bedmate of little boys and world-class screwball. One in four Americans -- 25 percent -- told Gallup polltakers last June they were still Jackson fans after the onetime King of Pop was found not guilty of child molesting.
· Less popular than former football star O.J. Simpson was after his arrest and trial for murdering his estranged wife and her companion. Three in 10 -- 29 percent -- of all Americans had a favorable view of Simpson in an October, 1995 Gallup poll.
· Less popular with Americans than Joseph Stalin is with Russians. In 2003, fully 20 percent said Stalin, blamed for millions of deaths in the former Soviet Union during the 1930s and 1940s, was a "wise and humane" leader. Thirty-one percent also said they wouldn't object if Uncle Joe came back to rule again, according to surveys conducted by Russian pollsters...
...Besides, even at 18 percent you're not the least popular public figure in America. You're slightly better liked than that fabulously blond and brainless party girl Paris Hilton. She was viewed favorably last June by 15 percent of the public, according to Gallup.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, in America we apparently dislike rich skanks more than we dislike murderers and pedophiles.
I think we should all give ourselves a rousing ovation don't you?
You have NO CHOICE South Dakota, because in this country we have our priorities straight!
Meanwhile back to Dick, since arbitrarily murdering political opponents, or those imagined to be political opponents, hasn't driven those numbers down enough there seems to be only one option left.
The Dick & Lynne Cheney Sex Tape:

Now I know some of you are upset. But imagine not simply reading - but creating - this picture with vomit in your mouth!
Apparently, they don't give those Koufax thingies for having a strong stomach?
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