Wednesday, March 01, 2006

PBS Presents, Ken Burns: The Iraqi Civil War

I suggest opening this in a new window and listening to it while you read.

Episode IV - Staying the Course

Scene 11:

Narrator David McCullough: In the late Winter of 2006, Britney Spears let her baby drive a car; NFL Players plotted their next sex cruise; the Olympics were broadcast with the highlight being Canadian Curling; many hoped that Bradgelina would give birth to the chosen one; Pope Benedict XVI decreed himself 'Der Bomb Beeyatch'; and important progressive bloggers went to Amsterdam while unimportant ones stayed home and made jokes about role playing games. Meanwhile, the Civil War raged from Basra to Mosul. Men educated in secular schools found themselves attacking their former classmates over questions of burka fashions. But President George Bush was focused upon other matters, in addition to his drinking.

(the voice of Gilbert Gottfried):

"Dear Mr. Hannitee,

Thank you so much fore yur kind wordz. My advizers told me abuot them on the radio and then brought their computer in and your voice came out of the box. I wanted to let yu kah-no that I agree with your assestiment that I is the greatest leadr in teh world. I have, indeeed ben blesst by my hiher father to take action even if it iz not poplar. Wen histry judjez me it will be gud even should I be dead and stuf.

Thanx also for telling peeple that I did not shoot anee one in the face.

Sin cere lee,

My Governmint"

George Bush never attempted to write another letter, though he did continue to write many poems with words that almost rhymed with "lump".

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