Sunday, March 12, 2006

Power In The Wrong Hands

In a post today over at FDL, Jane says something that's been rolling round my brain for a while.

Glenn demonstrates on a daily basis that he knows more about what's going on with this whole mess than any of those clueless dolts who are supposedly tasked with oversight. Their dismissive and condescending response to his overtures of help (after they contacted him to chew him out) would be pathetic based on that fact alone, but as Glenn goes on to explain, it's their commitment to staying in the minority that is really galling.

As a grade schooler back in the early 70's I was raised to revere our system of government and the people who run it. As a society we place blind faith in the ability of those people to do the right thing. I don't know whether it is just growing into my middle years or whether the curtain has only recently pulled back but what I see I don't like. It is what made me start blogging; the desire to add a voice, to be a voice of outrage at what I saw going on in government and what I saw as the great failing of the media conglomerates telling us what is news.

Well all I can say is the only reason I have hope for the future is because of those of us in the blogosphere, the grassroots. Back in 2004, I was a preceinct leader for MoveOn in the get out the vote drive right here in Iowa and I was literally blown away at the power we have literally right here at our fingertips. It was a start that was not initially successful but it was a start more meaningful than many could know.

A friend of mine was also a precinct leader also doing the all-important leg work, knocking on doors. He gave me his rap: I'm starting a revolution, are you coming along? That is the feel all of this has; we've had enough and we're not taking it any more. So thanks to FDL, Glenn Greenwald, Atrios, kos, Digby, Tbogg, to all of those that read those and ours, to those that blog even for just a few readers, it is what keeps me going during these dark days.

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