Monday, May 08, 2006

And further, you should see how bacon is selling in Iraq!

Not content to appoint Michael "Stirling" Hayden to head up the CIA and prevent the islamofacists from stealing our precious bodily fluids, the Bush Administration is beginning a level of message discipline that takes farce and stretches it into sublime stupidity.

Career appointees at the Department of Agriculture were stunned last week to receive e-mailed instructions that include Bush administration "talking points" -- saying things such as "President Bush has a clear strategy for victory in Iraq" -- in every speech they give for the department.

"The President has requested that all members of his cabinet and sub-cabinet incorporate message points on the Global War on Terror into speeches, including specific examples of what each agency is doing to aid the reconstruction of Iraq," the May 2 e-mail from USDA speechwriter Heather Vaughn began.

George W. Bush, Making the World safe for HAM!!!

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