Tuesday, May 02, 2006


There are days when news reporting comes out and you just sit there stunned at how incompetent and malevolent this Administration is.

Tens of thousands dead, nearly 20,000 Americans wounded (and lord knows how many more Iraqis); more than $300 billion so far, and additional $100 billion plus a year, and this is what it has come to:

One specialist on the Iraqi insurgency, Ahmed S. Hashim, a professor at the U.S. Naval War College who has served two tours in Iraq as a reservist, contends in a new book that the U.S. government's options in Iraq are closing to just two: Let a civil war occur, or avoid that wrenching outcome through some sort of partition. Such a division of the country "is the option that can allow us to leave with honor intact," he concludes in "Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq."

Civil War or a divided state that will make strategic allies like Turkey REAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY happy.

Not to mention, how the hell do we think that partition wouldn't just perpetuate civil war. You think the Sunnis are pissed now? Give them the one portion of that country without oil and tell them to "trust" the other two to "share".

And THESE are our choices!

Meanwhile, the Chimperor Disgustus trotted out yesterday to proclaim another corner turned. How many times has our Iraq "mission" gone around the block now?

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