Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bobo's World Update

Those "wacky" Katherine Harris supporter-types:

MIAMI - Angry over a homeless man's catcall, four friends went on a "feeding frenzy," police said, beating the elderly man to death with a metal chair, a steel rebar, a rock and a wooden stick.

Two men accused in Saturday's attack are the sons of Christian clergymen. All four have been charged with second degree murder.

"This was pure bloodlust," said Miami police spokesman Lt. Bill Schwartz. "There was no reason for this."

According to a police report, the attack was sparked when Janice Guillen, 18, went to her car to get cigarettes. Guillen told police she heard Jose Perez, 67, who was in the building across the street, toss out a pickup line "she felt was nasty," the report said. She told police she confronted Perez and punched him in the face.

Perez allegedly hit her back, prompting Magdiel Wingfield, 28, Kevin Stone, 27, and Jason Cardenas, 19, to run downstairs from Guillen's Little Havana apartment. The four of them allegedly jumped Perez, punching and kicking him and hitting him with the chair, the rebar and the other objects. At one point they pushed Perez through a glass door, shattering it, the police report said.

Perez was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he died from his injuries.

Wingfield and Cardenas' fathers are clergymen with the Soldiers of the Cross church based in Little Havana. Neither could be reached for comment on Wednesday.

On the other hand, I'm sure at least one of these four was probably against stem-cell research, so you have to give 'em that.

This is also, in microcosm symbolic of the "social darwinism" too many people have in this country of finding the lives of "some people" worthless -- while simultaneously demanding that frozen blastocysts be considered sacred.

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