Sunday, September 10, 2006

No Commercials

Last Saturday, I watched some college football on ABC, including portions of the evening game. Every other commercial break included a breathless advertisement of the following weekend's "Path to 9/11".

This weekend, I watched both the afternoon game and then the evening prime time game. Now granted I wasn't watching every minute, but I'm pretty sure in a seven hour block of time there was not a single commercial for tonight's scheduled broadcast.

I cannot recall any event so promoted one weekend and then not even mentioned in advertising the next weekend when it is still supposedly on the schedule. My recollection of "The Reagans" is that CBS did not promote it as much and that the decision to pull it was made well before it was broadcast. I could be wrong.

It's almost like ABC just wants to slink away from this without pissing anybody else off. If they pull it, the right-wing will howl about their lack of erotic fiction on network television so they can't do that.

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