Saturday, September 09, 2006

There's still a window for lying and Cheney will try to drive through it like a bulldozer...a mumbling, sneering, bulldozer

While the Senate released a portion of what was called "Phase II" it is not the end of the reporting. The activities of Cheney in particular are still under investigation.
Although the Senate report raises questions about the reliability of the information provided by Iraqi exiles, it notes that the information had little direct impact on the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq produced in October 2002. Many of the Iraqi National Congress claims, however, were passed on to the White House and the office of Vice President Cheney through reports by a separate intelligence analysis group established by then-Undersecretary of Defense Douglas J. Feith.

The Senate committee's inquiry into the Feith group's activities, another part of the prewar intelligence study, has been delayed by committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), who is awaiting the completion of a Pentagon inspector general inquiry into the same matter.

There is going to be a ton of scare-mongering by Cheney as well, alluding to what Ron Suskind discussed in "The One Percent Doctrine", however from "they will greet us as Liberators" to "Last Throes" to the latest claim that Democrats are in league with Al Qaeda there is plenty to call Cheney out on.

Hell, get a video of his last speech out on the hustings to some Republican group, that will undoubtedly contain fifteen-minutes of diatribes and lies contradicted by the Senate Intelligence Committee report.

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