Monday, November 06, 2006


The Washington Post acknowledges our patented "lefty blogger anger" at the timing of the Saddam verdict announcement. To which professional splooge jockey (see there's that "anger") about which:

Snow dismissed the suggestion as "preposterous" and absurd. "Are you smoking rope?" he replied when a reporter asked about timing manipulation aboard Air Force One on Saturday. "Are you telling me that in Iraq, that they're sitting around -- I'm sorry, that the Iraqi judicial system is coming up with an October surprise?" Corrected on the date, he expressed incredulity, "A November surprise. Man, that's -- wow."

Yet, somehow, this is perfectly logical (and unmentioned in the Post story):

"Whether it's al Qaeda or the other elements that are active in Iraq, they are betting on the proposition they can break the will of the American people," Cheney told Fox News. ."..They're very sensitive to the fact that we've got an election scheduled."

I'm finding new depths of loathing all the time.

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