Friday, February 02, 2007

Hello from Siberia

Well, it just feels that way.

Let me tell you one of my anxieties, being stuck on a plane.

That happened to me this morning. At the gate, stuck on the plane for 2 hours, while I swear to various religious figures, they waited for a "jump start" to their engines -- whereupon it took four attempts to locate a cart that could jump start a plane because they in turn were not working because it was too cold.

Gave one a real feeling of confidence, as well as frustration. I don't mean to cast aspersions upon one airline or another because I want to preserve the "friendly skies".

The adventure was hightened when my the last leg of my connected flight, originally scheduled to board an hour and a half after I landed taxied away from the gate after I sprinted through the entirety of the B concourse at the Denver International Airport JUST AS I ARRIVED with no personnel available to stop it.

Anyway, we all have our various adventures in traveling and that is my current one. If you happen to be in the Denver Airport at the moment, Terminal B, feel free to visit me, just walk up and down shouting ATTATURK as loud as you can, I will respond "K-LO" and we can chat face-to-face.

Meanwhile thanks to P'ONeill, Res Ipsa Loquitur, and of course Champollion and eventually DeDurkheim for picking up the slack. It's nice to have such talented writers to call upon when my participles are dangling in the air.

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