Monday, February 05, 2007

I Listen to Don Imus So You Don't Have To (Second in a Series)

This morning around the 8:30 AM EST hour, Imus played audio of Hillary Clinton giving her standard "If I had known then what I know nowI wouldn't have voted for the resolution" speech. At some point during the 10-second clip, the witty sophisticates at Imus HQ laid the sound of what I'm 99% sure was chicken squawking over the clip. Get it? Hillary squawks. And if you didn't understand the implication of chicken sound effect, one of Imus troglodytes reminded you that Hillary is "shrill."

Memo to reporters: when George Will, Chris Matthews and other pundits complain that Clinton's major problem is being too "strident" it's a similar type of slur as saying Obama is "articulate." This is a dogwhistle term; in this case it means "castrating feminist bitch."

On a related note, yesterday The Kenosha Kid showed me this clip of Chris Matthews engaging in the same sort of bullshit (with one crucial difference: the castrating feminist bitch -- Elizabeth Edwards -- was sitting right in front of him), which I'd heard about but missed back in December. Elizabeth Edwards uncomfortably laughs it off, but John Edwards is clearly not amused.

Matthews audience telegraphed its disapproval of the host's sexist bloviating by hissing. I'm willing to bet they'd cheer if just once a guy like John Edwards would stand up and call these reactionary gasbags (among others) on their bullshit right on national teevee. I know I would.

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