Thursday, February 08, 2007

I Listen to Don Imus So You Don't Have To (Thursday Edition)

Shorter Mary Matalin:

blah blah blah clinton got a blow job blah blah blah howard dean is mean blah blah blah the media is liberal blah blah blah harry whittington apologized for being shot in the face by my boss blah blah blah pelosi demanded a military plane blah blah blah the media is liberal blah blah blah something about negroes blah blah blah the clinton campaign leaked that blah blah blah did i mention that the media is liberal blah blah blah obama went to a madrassah blah blah blah just because we haven't found wmd doesn't mean there are no wmd blah blah blah do you hear me when i say "the media is liberal?" blah blah blah ferragamo doesn't even make shoes in condi 's size blah blah blah do we have definitive proof that michael j. fox did not exaggerate his symptoms? blah blah blah damnit, the media is liberal blah blah blah we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here blah blah blah plame wasn't covert blah blah blah the media is liberal blah blah blah michael moore is fat blah blah blah we've caught al queda's number three guy blah blah blah i'm telling you: the media is liberal blah blah blah frist never diagnosed schiavo blah blah blah george allen didn't even know the meaning of the word "macaca" blah blah blah oh, and did i mention that the media is liberal?

(I have no idea how Atrios managed to transcribe that. The Harpy Wingnut Matalin yapped too fast for me to keep up.)

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