Monday, February 12, 2007

No fuck up too big

To keep you from being promoted up in the Bush Administration, no fuck up too big for a conservative to be denied entrée into the league of punditry.

Michael Gerson, now a NEWSWEEK contributor, headed the White House speechwriting shop at the time. He says Iran and North Korea were inserted into Bush's controversial State of the Union address in order to avoid focusing solely on Iraq. At the time, Bush was already making plans to topple Saddam Hussein, but he wasn't ready to say so. Gerson says it was Condoleezza Rice, then national-security adviser, who told him which two countries to include along with Iraq. But the phrase also appealed to a president who felt himself thrust into a grand struggle. Senior aides say it reminded him of Ronald Reagan's ringing denunciations of the "evil empire."

Once again, Iran's reformists were knocked back on their heels. "Those who were in favor of a rapprochement with the United States were marginalized," says Adeli. "The speech somehow exonerated those who had always doubted America's intentions."

Thus, 2002 marks the beginning of the five-year process of stupidity-max.

So now we are contemplating war with "IRAN" because it sounded "cool" as a phrase to Chimpy McMilkduds?

Meanwhile, the talking point becomes the latest "reality creation" of Iran is behind all the real bad shit in Iraq. Yeah, the Shiite theocracy of Iran sending all those weapons to the Sunni insurgents in Anbar Province where most of the American deaths occur. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Well, thank goodness no one in the media ever really confronts Condi Rice for her monumental incompetence -- because she looks so "stylish" in her S&M outfits. It's almost as if giving Gerson a pundit position and Condi a pass is a reflection of what is wrong with corporate media.

Meanwhile, no one ever seems to ask about the comparative assistance to various Iraqi militias and insurgents between Iran and Saudi Arabia. I'm betting the latter provides substantially more assistance to those groups killing Americans than sources from Iran. Yet the comparison is never made, nor is the question ever asked, -- why would you threaten war with Iran, and yet give the House of Saud and various Saudi millionaires a complete pass?

Other than wanting to fuck up even more?

Here's my proposal...

We attack neither.

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