Monday, February 12, 2007

What Has She Done For Us (Lately--or Ever)?

I was thinking about this (again) on the train tonight.

Can anyone point to one actual positive accomplishment credited to this woman during her tenure as either National Security Advisor or Secretary of State?* I can't think of a single one, but if you can, I'll admit I was wrong and eat my metaphorical hat (although steve simels will regret the actual error). For example, is there a government (other than Israel's) with whom we have better relations? (Geez, even they may be mad at us now.) A war or civilian conflict halted (or even just slowed)? Disarmament? A treaty that moves the world forward in a positive way? Anything? Anything? Bueller? Bueller?

*Not counting developing a taste for expensive footwear.

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