Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Il ne regrette rien.

Bob Sommerby calls bullshit on Bush Blubberer Matthew Dowd:
But [Dowd is] 45, and he has a long, big-bucks career ahead—in political and corporate work. (Unless he does the high-minded “mission work” he blubbered about to the Times.) So how about it? Do you think Dowd wants to pursue that corporate marketing career identified as the horrible creep who managed to sell us on Bush and his war? Duh! We have no earthly way to know if Dowd is sincere in his recent high-minded blubbering. But he has many possible self-serving reasons to jump off Bush’s sinking ship.

Ka-CHING! Sommerby is right -- there is no way to know if Dowd is sincere. But his days as a Democratic consultant are probably over. (I say "probably" because you can never underestimate a Democrat's willingness to let the same person kick him or her over and over and over again.) But given the vindictivness of Republicans, he's definitely out of that club. So what's left? Corporate Borgs. Big borgs that can apply his polling expertise to all sorts of schemes to sell you and I more shit we don't need.

Now I think Sommerby is giving borgs too much credit. A borg's concern is singular: dough re mi. If Dowd can bring in the bucks, Dowd will find a borg gig. But there's no harm in repudiating all the shitty things you did before so as to give the borgs that may consider you (and the analysts who pimp them to shareholders) more of a comfort level.

I know it's exciting when a Bushie turns on the Bushies. But I don't give a single one of them credit for having a conscience. There have been plenty of opportunities these last seven years (starting with Bush v. Gore -- no, wait -- starting with the South Carolina primary) to say, "Hey, not only are these not nice people, they're possibly criminal." It took Dowd seven years to reach his breaking point? Please. Dowd woke up one morning, stuck his finger in the wind, and headed for the exits. I'm sure all the congressional hearings of the last few weeks had nothing to do with it.


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