Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Most Dishonest Ad Ever

Giuliani has released an ad in New Hampshire (he's given up on Iowa, I'd say to our State's credit except look at the rest of the GOP field...) which is among the most dishonest ever broadcast.

In it he asserts that he remembers how after 444 the Iranian Hostage Drama ended within one-hour of Reagan being President because they were afraid.

Of course, this is complete and utter bullshit.

"October Surprise" anyone?

And let's just remember, as Juan Cole does, just how "tough" Reagan was on Iran.

The White House illegally sold Iran hundreds of powerful TOW anti-tank and HAWK anti-aircraft weapons [which Reagan came on television and told us were shoulder-launched weapons!], for use against Washington's newfound ally, the Iraqis, who were being assured that the US was trying hard to "prevent an Iranian victory . . ."

James McFarlane clandestinely sent Khomeni a note from Reagan, a bible, and a cake.

Yeah, I know.

The comedy gets greater...here's the Chicago Tribune making swiss-cheese of it.

And after all the laughable errors, the Giuliani Campaign responds:

"The ad uses the fact that the Iranian hostages were released an hour after Ronald Reagan was sworn into office to illustrate that the only way to defeat terrorism is to have a president who understands you need to stay on offense and can’t back down,” Campaign Spokeswoman Maria Comella said.

Cue Laugh-track.

I doubt Maria Comella and Dana Perino are a powerful Trivial Pursuit tag-team?

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