Thursday, December 13, 2007

Once again...

I did not see yesterday's so-called debate. I plan on missing another one today. These are two of the many things I particularly loath in American politics right now.

1. The fact that all coverage is about "the horse race" and virtually none of it is about issues. This is an old lament, and made by many others, but each year it gets worse -- and the biggest offender of all is Chris Matthews.

2. The alleged debates, which are nothing of the kind.

But yesterday, the hero was purportedly Grandpa Fred whose rheumatism and general sloth prevents him from raising his hand above the level of Jeri's twin-policy planks. Apparently, for Republicans it causes, what passes for, orgasms when one of their candidates treats a professional woman with contempt.

It could only have been better if the Ol' Cracker had called her "Toots".

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