So many things to be ignored for O'Reilly's "Wahhhhhhh on Christmas" but none more likely than this:
A Muslim man jumped to the aid of three Jewish subway riders after they were attacked by a group of young people who objected to one of the Jews saying "Happy Hanukkah," a spokeswoman for the three said Wednesday...
One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus," she said. [ed: Huckabee's base]
When Adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said.
Another passenger, Hassan Askari -- a Muslim student from Bangladesh -- came to Adler's aid, and the group began physically and verbally assaulting him, Hellerstein said.
"A Muslim-American saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," Adler said.
It's a Kwaanza Miracle.
(photo from NY Daily News)
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