Monday, April 14, 2008

Desperation the world's most foul-smelling cologne. Watching HRC try to spin her bitterness at the temerity of BHO's challenge into electoral gold makes my head hurt and my tummy churn. On Friday, over a few tumblers of scotch, I told a friend, "I'm starting to understand why people hated the Clintons." No, not the "Hillary murdered Vince Foster" or "Bill ran drugs out of the AK governor's mansion" type nonsense. No, more their general sleaziness and disingenuousness. As Kurt Anderson says:
Maybe we can handle some truth. Maybe the reality-based fractions of red and blue America are reaching a sort of consensus: Just as Republicans are beginning to get why George Bush makes so many Americans want to rip their hair out, a lot of Democrats have finally, viscerally come to understand Clinton-loathing. Mutual, symmetrical disillusionment; it’s a start.
Then I remembered that in comments, Mark C. had pointed out that HRC has been emailing around bits by (of all people) Grover Norquist to bolster her case that BHO has to go. Ugh.

Today on the radio, I told Sinfonian that in the darkest days after the 2004 election, I really hoped our people would learn to fight as down and dirty as Republicans did. But I never imagined that they'd use such newfound mad fighting skillz on their fellow Dems.

Sorry, I'm rambling. It's those aforementioned head- and tummy-aches.

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