Yesterday, 63 years ago, the biggest elitist ever to become President, died at his third home, in Georgia.
He presided over the nations greatest economic crisis and the world's most horrific war. Both successfully. He was hardly perfect, he was the ultimate "momma's boy"; he wasn't exactly faithful to his marital vows; he had a tendency to grossly exaggerate; he valued loyalty in aides so highly he often inadvertently either worked them to death, or kept them in place when they should have been outright fired, if not tried; and allowed the internment of ethnic Japanese when he should have known better. Finally, he spoke like the Harvard swell he was. Oh, and he couldn't walk.
Yet somehow he joined the ranks of Washington and Lincoln.
All of this, despite the fact his Presidential Museum is a modest place that didn't shake down hundreds of millions from contributors.
Imagine that?
(pic from pingnews)
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