Tuesday, August 04, 2009

How it works in modern Journalism

Looking at how some of the networks are handling the ongoing teaparty putsch was remarked upon here and they have a great point. A handful of compensated screamers rioting

Are allowed to change history...

But millions of people marching peacefully

Are the "un-American" fringe and otherwise ignored.

Blather, rinse, repeat.

Just wanted to let you know I watched the Couric newscast this evening and they had a segment on the organic 'anger' that exists against the Obama and the health program. Guess who they has on? A guy from freedomWorks, a republican strategist and Ambinder spouting the line that this is 'real america' anger. So as you said today they are reporting it as spontaneous not as an organized astro turf fight.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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