Monday, August 10, 2009

More About "Kansas"

Following up on this...

There was one point during the panel when either K-Lo or Suellentrop said, in reference to the people in the documentary, "They feel beleaguered! They feel economically beleaguered."

I actually believe that the are probably a lot of economically beleaguered Kansans, but I only saw one in this film. That would be the Kansas Farmers Union guy you'll see at 2:50 in the trailer below. He was finding it tougher and tougher to make a decent living on a mid-sized farm and he went up to Capitol Hill to try to get his government to address that.

Other than that, I saw a husband and wife who had $300,000 to invest in a wild west theme park and a family fantasizing about professors being "antagonistic to Christians" from the comfort of a McMansion of which Carmella Soprano would have approved.

Again, I'm not saying there are no Kansans in economic difficulty. I am saying, however, that K-Lo and Suellentrop surely don't know any of them.

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