Both England and the US may advance today (or, of course, they may not). But here is how Rupert Murdoch's British Crown Jewel,
the Sun, reported it at the time of the draw:

Guy has a regular flock of Doocys at his "Beck" and call.
Meanwhile, Rupert continues to get all his news and information
from his properties.
(pic from
It says more about the weakness of the English and American teams than it does about The Sun in this case.
Complain all you like, but no newspaper in the world has a more thoroughly researched page 3.
Research huh? Is that what they're calling it these days?
England prolly gets toasted* by the Germans in the next round.
* purely unintentional referral to the German nazi ovens
Jesus OnA. Seek help. You are a fucking train wreck.
A -polite- trainwreck.
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