Last week Joe Lieberman was all hot-to-trot to just shut down the internet at the flick of a switch -- any old effort to deprive others of rights the moment his irritable bowel kicks in.
But now. Holy Joe, says not so fast:
He says it's all just "misinformation," and only wants the president to have the power to "disconnect the American Internet" when bad things happen.
Like when bloggers call Joe Lieberman an asshole -- causing the internet to be shut down permanently.
(pic from here)
What the fucking fuck is wrong with fucking Connecticut? All those vicious insurance companies, no meaningful water supply, Joe Lieberman, sleeping space for some of the worst people in New York City during the day - it's the Arizona of New England. Fucking fuck fucking Connecticut.
Joe's always had an authoritarian streak in him, but it's getting bigger and wider by the day.
The origin of this one is quite apparent--he's been reading all those Pentagon position papers about cyber-attack, and how it's the new danger of the century and, boy howdy, there's a cyber-attack gap and the U.S. is way, way behind, and no one will have any water, or electricity and shipments of Ring-Dings and Twinkies will be interrupted unless the Pentagon gets to control the internet.
To Joe, life's not worth living unless the terrorism threat-level meter is hovering between orange and red. Why Connecticut didn't put its collective boot up his ass is a mystery.
The photo looks like the good Senator is overcome from feeling our pain and, the good nanny that he is, he's trying to help us.
Either that, or the cabbage he had for lunch is kicking in.
Aah, he's a big baby. We should go all the way and have a set-up like in Escape from LA where (spoiler alert!) Snake Plissken can just take down all the electronic stuff in the world with a big EM pulse. That'd show them freedom-haters!
shut the internets off? i'd rather the president killed teevee.
Joe's always had an authoritarian streak in him,
And how. His argument is "Well, China does it!" So we should be like China, apparently.
is obama sorry he saved lieberfuckenputs's ass?
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