Tuesday, June 29, 2010



Thoughts On Byrd

Speak no ill of the dead? Well, let me simply say that the racist, populist, larcenous bigot of a Senator - a man who robbed the American tax-payer to pave his state with baubles and bribes - is not going to be much mourned in these parts.

Andrew having called Byrd a racist will undoubtedly within the next month find some new excuse to praise "The Bell Curve".


sukabi said...

the measure of a man is weighed when his life is over and his faults and accomplishments are compared... on the whole, I think Sen. Byrd came out on the side of good... he was able to overcome his past racism and work for the good of all. That he managed to bring a little money to his state is what his job was all about...

Now Sully on the other hand had better get a move on if he wants to balance out some of his bad deeds, he still hasn't made up for his part in cheerleading us into Iraq or his love of all things neoconnish.

pansypoo said...

what did he say about jesse helms? strom thurman. byrd overcame his station abd state to become the man he was.

and why should WV be a dump? i used that byrd highway. now, if we could ween them off coal.....

Anonymous said...

How does such a dungheap of a writer merit any attention? STFU before I blow him to bits with my spanking new string of ladyfingers.
His methane will cause the mighty boom. Not his judgment.